The 1st International Watercolour Festival in the beautiful Prague is
still fresh in my memory. Thanks to the year of hard work and dedication
of @Alexandra Bryksa and Vasyl Bryksa (organisers of the event), I and hundreds of other artists
were able to enjoy this fantastic event!
Presentation of Award from Atanur Dogan and Alexandra Bryksa
Unforgettable !
"Nina" Watercolour on Arches Paper. My entry to exhibition is a painting I did of my daughter Nina. You can Buy the Picture Here
3rd to the 9th August 2018
Presentation of Award from Atanur Dogan and Alexandra Bryksa
It was fantastic experience to watch great watercolour artist Liu Yi and many others at work. Thank you Alexandra Bryksa for giving everyone such an opportunity. Great organisation!
With Chines Artist: Liu Yi
With Ukraine Artist: Igor Mosiychuk